Empowering vulnerable children in Africa through the natural language of play and the creative art
The Sun Bird Arts program is a core program of the Caravan of Joy that works specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa with vulnerable children and communities, through partnerships with local artists, educators, and Ministries to enhance opportunities for arts education.
Location: Africa
Programs: Artists in the Schools, After School Arts and Play Program, Team Joy Workshops, Community Holiday Programming

The program has been implemented in 8 African countries, including:
- Tanzania
- South Africa
- Ghana
- Zimbabwe
- Kenya
- Burkina Faso
- Uganda
- Swaziland
The need:
8 of the 10 countries with the lowest pre-primary net enrolment rates in the world are in sub-Saharan Africa. [1 ]
Sub-Saharan Africa currently faces the world’s worst shortage of primary school teachers. In Ghana, the average teacher has 57 pupils. [2 ]
15 million African children between the ages of 6 and 11 will never attend school in their lifetime. [3 ]
[1] The Africa-America Institute (2015). State of Education in Africa Report 2015.
[2] Kazeem, Y. (2016). “African countries are facing the world’s worst teacher shortage.” Quartz Africa.
[3] Gallagher, K. (2017). “10 Important Facts about Education in Africa.” The Borgen Project.