To empower individuals and groups by providing them with the skills they need to effect change they want within their communities

Community Development is as successful as the model that is used. The United Nations defines Community Development as “a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems."

Strengths of the model

the community identifies the programs they believe they need, not an outside organization

the model is implemented by the community, for the community

the program(s) are owned by the community

the programs support the health and education services, not replace them

How it Works

Community Council
  • chooses to participate
  • creates a Steering Committee to oversee the entire project
  • establishes a budget and reporting process
Steering Committee
  • comprised of community leaders (local community leaders, community nurse, school principal, keenly interested community members)
  • self-identifies their most pressing needs (within the model)
  • identifies positions that require paid staff and recruits them to implement the model
  • recruits an appropriate number of volunteers to assist
  • works with the Health and Education professionals in the community to support their mission
Staff and Volunteers
  • implement the model
Childhood Now
  • leads training with Community Council, Steering Committee, staff and volunteers
  • assists the Committee, staff and Volunteers to set up and implement the programs
  • provides on-going support such as training, access to expertise, materials, coaching, etc.

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